Propose low-profile and highly efficient electronically steerable antenna solutions for the next generation of In-Flight Connectivity services in the horizon 2022-2025.
Objective #1
Analysis and consolidation of the requirements for the next generation aviation electronically steerable antenna system
Objective #2
Study the impact of the use cases (e.g. GEO, MEO and LEO satellite constellations, and A2G) on the antenna definition and establish reference architecture for the antenna system
Objective #3
Perform a first-level assessment of the proposed technologies using paper analysis and potentially building prototypes.
Objective #4
Prototype of selected technology development for lab demonstrations (i.e. anechoic chambers) and potential over-the-air communication with a Satellite and/or ground infrastructure
Objective #5
Conduct an important set of tests in order to validate the antenna and system behaviour with regards to the stakeholder requirements